Lisianthus & Rose Bouquet

  • Lisianthus & Rose Bouquet
  • Lisianthus & Rose Bouquet
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A spectacular display of roses and lisianthus. We choose only the freshest, finest flowers and handcraft them into this beautiful bouquet.

> It's crafted by hand
We will select every flower by hand and craft them into a bouquet they'll cherish. 

> Buds could feature
A bouquet this special will feature the freshest flowers, so some may not have bloomed yet. Don't worry they'll soon open up and show themselves off.

> The packaging is planet-friendly
It'll be delivered in one of our fully recyclable signature gift boxes, and wrapped in elegant recyclable kraft paper and biodegradable cellophane.

> It includes a lovely card
Just let us know your message. We will usually handwrite it for that final personal touch.


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